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Mar 2014
She called me by my name
The shine in her eyes were missing
Her voice was a blizzard
Her lips were a tight line
And I thought that it was my fault,
Because I was so afraid
I pushed her away
And she stopped coming back.

I called her by her nickname today
I tried to reignite the stars in her eyes
I dug so much out of my voice for her
Her lips were a slight curve
And I thought that it will be my fault
Because I am fearful once more
And if i pushed her away,
She might never come back.
This poem is kinda cliche but. I think she's kinda guarding against me now though things have got better today. I just started trying today and I don't even know why I'm trying but just somehow somewhere, I thought that I would stop trying again anyway. I would push them away again. But I bring everyone down just by being there anyway. They don't deserve this kinda bullrinky from me. I bet she's really doubtful of me now. I'm so doubtful of myself too. What am I even doing.
Written by
iridescent  Singapore
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