It’s no doubt that to feel pain is mandatory; But to feel the suffering is not only an option but also a choice; In heartbreak, suffering and pain, remember that being broken is humility; So, I choose to be broken in humility.
It takes a broken soil to give a crop a life; Don’t worry nor remain in despair while going through breakings; Instead of crying for a lighter load, just ask for a stronger back to carry the load; So, I choose to be broken in humility.
It takes humility to accept that your heart has been broken; It takes ignorance to allow any man or woman to break your precious heart; Just as it takes broken cloud to give rain and bring a new hope to huge masses; So, I choose to be broken in humility.
In deed, broken grains give bread; Broken bread give strength; Likewise, God uses broken people to make great things; So, I choose to be broken in humility.