No... I don't believe in God....(Gods) Hypocracy, I attend church, Friday prayers!!! That makes me better than you do you really believe that? The bible, the quran, books that speak of love and peace, of humility. But still the atrocities go on in the name of the various religions. Oh dear I'm now offending some of you but I'm not going to apologise. Take a long hard look at yourselves are you the one who called that person a vicious animal when he/she murdered that child? What an insult to animals. Animals dont ******. More people have died in the name of our various religions than for any other reason. Yeah, lets go to our churches, mosques and temples, lets listen to the hypocritical preaching of love and peace THEN go home and **** the neighbours because they dont believe in your religion. Oh dear, who is this terrible man with his blasphemous writing? I hope my god strikes him down and sends him to hell. Well that's ok because hell cant be any worse than than the hell that man has caused In the name of religion