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Mar 2014
my need to get away is
so great that I am even
considering applying to
a school up north to
finish my high school years.

isn't that supposed to be a sign, mom?
I am utterly miserable being here and
living with the people I call "family".
the kids and teachers at school are
more a family to me than you'll ever be.

I do hope I get in,
I have the grades for it.
maybe they'll see how hell bent I am
on getting away that they'll even give me
a free ride.
sucky poem, but it's really just thoughts. I want to get away so much, I love my girlfriend and my friends and my wonderful teachers, I just hope if I do get in and decide to go, that they'll support me.
and in all honesty, I hope I can even support myself with this.
Written by
   JAK AL TARBS, M, Cristina, ---, L and 3 others
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