Sorry I'm not good enough for you How am I suppose to be good enough for you when I'm not good enough for me? I can't satisfy society Can't satisfy anyone, not even myself ~sigh~ I'm not sated, neither is society and society never will be No one will ever stop being thirsty or hungry or greedy No one will ever be sated I want be sated but I don't know what I want anymore Our generation wants everything and even when we get it we'll never be happy with it We'll never be sated or happy Cause having everything is nothing Because we can have everything we thought we wanted and not want it anymore Cause if I really wanted to be sated I would have everything I need....not what I wanted
Our generation wants to have an iPhone this swag this boss *** ***** that, but all I want is what I need. And all we need is love, peace, and forgiveness.