Bereft of all dignity Stricken with wounds of humiliation My shield of honor ripped away As I am trampled under foot And dragged for all to see Bellowing screams steal The dark caverns of my belly Like a thousand lost souls Leaving my mind destitute
Fearing the worst And Sensing the forces of pride gathering As he searches for an allie The soul cries out NOT TONIGHT , NOT TONIGHT The soul sinks into solitude And prays for silence But all is lost As pride rings the trumpets of war For freedom has joined his side
The heart splits in two Half a heart cries for lost love All dreams like caged birds set free Released into the vast blue skies By the powers of freedom The soul watches powerless As they drift away While the other half roars like 10 Hungary Lions
Pride picks up his shield of honor And defiantly stairs Into the eyes of fate Carried forward on the chariots of freedom That know no boundary Between life and death The enemy shudder As with his last breath He spits in there face
Broken free he now floats Freely , on the cool winds With all the caged birds He has now set free
I wrote this while trying to understand past experiences By adam childs