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Feb 2014
He walks this way, the Weatherman
Bringing me lovely sunshine 
The earth his road, the sky his home, 
He brings these emotions mine. 

He saunters past, the Weatherman
Leaving me dusty and dry
I languish in the choking heat
As he brings this desire by. 

Though I call the Weatherman
He will not hear my cries
Wind from the north and westward
My damp eyes slowly dries. 

But suddenly, the Weatherman,
With hands ice cold and sharp
Reaches through the falling snow
And freezing, touches my heart.

As only the Weatherman can do,
He brings the solemn rain
But I find they are connected somehow
The sky and the inner pain.
Mrs Ashley Somebody
Written by
Mrs Ashley Somebody  27/F/No longer wandering :)
(27/F/No longer wandering :))   
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