I cannot think of a way to start writing what I need to say, (t)here are too many thoughts rushing around what some might call a brain, a heart. My mind, my core, has been replaced by what some may call an abyss, a void, but I cannot be so poetic about what I only see as emptiness. I suppose I was always something of an empty girl, never learning to be enough for myself, a hollow shell. You all filled up that shell, my life, you slowly teach me to be enough for myself by showing me that maybe I am enough for you. You complete me. Right now the clock ticks closer to midnight, though, and you are not here. Call it abyss, call it void, call it emptiness, if you so wish. I call it by its true name, I call out to the moon in my desperation, I call at the walls and the world and the all-too empty air. I call this feeling missing you.
February 13, 2014 11:30 PM edited February 23, 2014