Eyes heavy now as the day comes to a close The days tailcoats snagged on the evenings last light My thoughts random, yet calm as the night invites me I lye alone no comfort in my bed, save the moments captured in memory or the visions in imagination. Some vivid, some hazed often slowed as my mimd savours the pleasures of the senses. The voices of the day spill over into the night I hear the soft voice, reading to me and picture ruby lips, their folds and creases giving flight to words. Soothing my passing to sleep whispering now, as if to kiss my consciousness goodnight. Then the voice fades, memories slip away and I am left alone. Alone imagining, wondering. Is that perfume I smell? Can the mind really do this. Am I alone? Or held in the arms of another far away. Do they hold me in their bed, alone, yet together. Do they lye entwined, peaceful, as one yet not. Are we ever alone with our thoughts Our emotions seperated from consciousness and dreams I hope not Do you?