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Feb 2014

It's a beautiful Spring day,
soaking feet in the bay.
Flowers blooming as I speak,
the stems are no longer weak.
Slight breeze from the west,
not a reason, to even be dressed.
All the leaves turning green,
it sure is quite the scene.
Birds chirping so quietly,
Winter ended so violently.
Baseball season about to begin,
every team had a chance to win.
Ah, the smell of freshly mowed grass,
making lemonade, pour me a glass.
Feel the love that's in the air,
Spring and Summer make quite the pair.
Everyday the temperature is rising,
the sun so beautifully shining.
Children playing in the streets,
no need for any heavy sheets,
Windows open, feel the breeze,
the pollen makes me wanna sneeze.
Go outside and pull some weeds,
how I love planting garden seeds.
Feel the air as it begins to warm,
viewing life as it will transform.
Nothing like the perfect Spring day,
sitting on the back porch, with noting to say.
Allen Wilbert
Written by
Allen Wilbert  florida
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