"Hey you," "I'm listening," she says, but I'm not sure she is me my voice so many times of uncertainty trying to give and give but only being taken from trying to take but no receiving why the silence why cant I just answer the questions why can't i laugh with the others lost by my maturity or immaturity rather run away with children or talk with the adults of meaning talk with the adults who have walked a ways on this earth and have figured at least something out instead of stuck in some turmoio of one tracked minds way of continuessly spinning but never evolving hey she tells me You are better you know more but then something else clouds it all i take an extra sip skip a little to catch up to the moving crowd try to laugh a little harder Just act casually, comfortably, cool hey the voice tells me, its not that your too mature and boring or too immature and incapable you are your own classification or rather no classification simply you, me, us. And, the thing is, its that theirs plenty of fish and a vast ocean to swim through reefs and corals and sometimes the muddy sand at the bottom but it is your heart she says it is our heart we must follow it as much as a part of us would like to take one more sip and flip our hair and be the center of the group instead of Always Stumbling a little to catch up and instead of walking a little farher and farther behind under the orange light While the laughter of them journeys on and your footsteps get louder and louder until it echoes in silence as much as we'd like she says its not what we'd truly like hold the heart and skip don't stumble Skip to catch up but dont just stop once you hit the centre keep skipping skipping Away into the sun♡