As we lead our lives,
Boring or interesting,
Calm and caring for it,
Dealing the problems,
Elevating our quality,
Freshening up daily,
Greatly upscaling,
Happy smiles,
Jerking threats away,
Kissing happiness,
Leading brighter,
Much more long,
Newer & higher,
Over the clouds,
Pouring hot love,
Queer above all,
Resting relieved,
Staring night sky,
Treetops craning,
Up onto the stars,
Violins of nature,
Waking up fresh,
Xenophilia popping,
Yearning divine sin,
Zesty opera of our lives.
My idea of our romance in torchlight!
Another concrete poetry from me.
The Romantic Torch
Not an electronic torch but an Olympic Torch kind-one.
My HP Poem #525
©Atul Kaushal