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Feb 2014
Who shall thou be for when maggots feasts upon thee?
Be'st the greatly famed man or even beggar may it be,
For maggots care not of wealth nor fortune nor fame,
To maggots when all is adieu, shall thy hold no name,
And rest a'last shall thee, in thy lonesome tomb,
And live'st with thy fellow maggot shall upon 'tis room,
For thee be'st the feast to a diet of faithful worms,
That shall penetrate thy corpse in inevitable terms,

Ah yes, so true equality shall not cease to live,
For in death are we but equal - a giver to give,
For a feast shall lie unearthed in this very tomb,
To both maggot and worm may hand thanks to whom?
Whom well, 'tis be I and thee, for when all is adieu,
We thus be'st a feast for thy'st fiercesome critters too.
So if in death are thy'st the same shall then may we find,
That prior to death, why ha'th we been so unkind?
Reference to Shakespeare's Hamlet - in death everyone is but a food to a diet of worms.
Jay M Wong
Written by
Jay M Wong
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