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Feb 2014
We British tend to take no notice,we just put a poultice on the sores.
In this town some back street evangelist, half religion ****** was banging on the jesus beat.
I meet his eyes which blink quite black,frontal back to total war and what's this for?
The beggar man can't understand why God with his almighty hand cant hand to him some slim hope of a reconcile,to reconcile the frown
with the riches of a smile or two but that's what beggars always do,expect what's more than what is there and want to share what they have not, is this the order of the day?
I've not a lot of hope that a poultice of green soap and sugar,however hot will do the trick,
this society is sick and medication is the order of the day.and we the slick play xylophones in the hope of finding keys to homes.
We're British and we tend to do,
what others would not ,
and would not see through
unless they're ready to and what do you the British do? but
pretend that it's not there.
John Edward Smallshaw
Written by
John Edward Smallshaw  68/Here and now
(68/Here and now)   
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