Standing at the crossroads of a busy city byway Is a man who yells at anyone even if they avoid his eye 'cause he's got something to say Jesus is here to stay! He lives in your heart and rides the subway He is coming back for you ... Someday! but Hallelujah! there is just a distant echo and remnants of his passion as you step into the intersection upon a You May Walk sign all that's left behind is the ringing in your ears and an adrenaline rush as you sped up, before and after the crossroad of Fire and Eternal Damnation not being a believer
At the mouth of the Alley that guards a revolving Hells door sits a single example of humanity unwashed that silently gazes upon a new day He's also got something to say but is rendered mute by condemnation a single black mark against a nation, his nation The one he fought for, and died for his soul never made it back His body, empty of compassion turned to the streets looking for something, anything he will never get back
Yes, he's got something to say even if he will never spill his horror That is where, today, went what sat alone in my pocket There went my last dollar