Awoken to the sights and sounds His body is contorting, teeth are grinding And his feet are running wild. Watching in pure amazement, his name is Joshua! He’s my protégé and he’s my youngest child. Letting him fulfill his dreaming task When he returned back into his body Where did you go I then did ask? Murmuring words faster than I can decipher He started to tell me it is the end of the world And we all had to wear a gas mask. Running zombies over while inside Plexiglas ***** we're now in the futures past. Rolling along heading to home base And if they entered inside All the alarms will then start to blast. Fighting a battle together side by side He said also that we did win. Words cannot describe nor Feelings can come close to compare How it feels to know, In his dreams he let me in! (SirCARSr. 1-28-14)