the thing that scares me the most about being in love with you is that as the more hours for us to be together are ripped from our hands by the hectic schedules we've set ourselves the more I crave the feeling of your lips against mine and your arms around me. In the hours that you are unavailable, I want to hear your voice, your every thought, and the pattern of your heartbeat. You have no idea how much that scares me. I wish that I could spend hours listening to you talk In the many hours between our goodbyes and when my heart finally stops fluttering from the thought of you, I go over scenarios in my head of me and you together. I see nights out, nights in, fights, making up, making out, and everything in between. It's during these hours of darkness that my heart wants you so bad that I find myself gasping for air and clutching my chest. You have no idea how much that scares me. I remember all the times your lips touched mine, and how warm they were. I try to count on my fingers how many times you've said "I love you," but I only have 10 fingers and I can't hold in just two hands the number of "I love you too's" that I've said back. There's a word in german "Sehnsucht" which is the inconsolable longing for something or a high degree of intense reoccurring often painful desire for something unknown. For so long my insides screamed for something but I could never put my finger on it. I've discovered the unknown the key to my longing the end to the pain and that, my love, is you.