head is filled with moments i could and would have done differently greeted myself better
but that's the past not to be confused with the present I am similar to an ever-loving-shy-boy who you know loves her
but is too scared to do anything because he doesn't know how and because he doesn't want to hurt you
he just wants to love faithfully but hahahah
faithfully. from a teenager?! what are we reading here? science fiction?
but it is true i **** at telling you that my heart aches at your thoughts and when your name is uttered tears me up
because i know i did nothing to help or did nothing to show my love
I just
let you sit there and cry shame on me for not doing anything for ruining his moment i cannot do much to change the past but i hope that after you move or I move
you will find someone better than me I am not the best cannot be never was I was just a re-incarnation of my soul who is very kind to people and just as protective and shy lies in my birth sign Scorpio
Just never wanted to do anything but love someone wholeheartedly that's not something that will happen so I need to let that fantasy go but its a hard habit to break when you are already knee deep into it
This is a repost, sorry for deleting the first one.Wrote this when my headache was on. I truly am sad for not doing anything and for ruining his moment. I just have this bad luck, that when something good will happen to someone, i break something 10x worse to them. Just my bad luck which won't leave me. I can apologize all I want, it won't change the past, which is the most depressing part. I just, **** at loving and telling someone I love them a lot.