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Jan 2014
Sitting here all alone ,
Only dreams to comfort my suffering
Travelling a lone road
It seems to be never-ending

All I have is your memory
speaks to me when i'm down
mountains, they never whisper
Eclipsing all that is around

Hidding from me what lies on the otherside ,
Every gush of wind makes me more blind
Pines tower over me , guarding the skies
No bird I could ever find

quiteness of the forest makes no sound
All I hear is my own reflection
Solitude is what i've found
And it travells in every direction

Keeps me from making noise ,
Destroy what we have achieved
For it dosent wants me to wake up ,
From the depths of my sleep

Lost but not forgotten
It wants me to dream
Traveller , nothing more
It wants me to be

To forever lurk in my own self
In this world made up of magic
Where every view is a wizard ,
And every moment nostalgic

I walk where my eyes lead
Feet no longer care for a trail
Where sunshine and river meets
Heaven feels so near

Lost inside this maze ,
Every corner has a different view
can you escape from that cage
Where every wall sings for you
Written by
aviisevil  28/M/india
   ---, Peach and Jessica Head
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