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Jan 2014
I think you were in love with her
And a long time ago, once upon a time when she left,
She took away the part of you that was her
and in doing so
gouged out great big ugly holes with her caring claws
and sharp teeth coated in well wishes, soaked with warm blood and the taste of skin
She lovingly tore you apart.

Now years later, the edges have dried up but the great big craters are still there
and in a place in your mind I cannot reach you still long for her
When you felt the gaping absence you've been carrying with you since then
you tried to replace her with me
But the holes are in her shape
And I was a round peg in square holes who wasn't even the right color
And no matter how much you tired you couldn't make me fit
and so:
Maybe this is why you cannot love me.
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