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Jan 2014
I have spent most of
my life under a cloak of insecurities.
Never thinking I was good enough.
Always putting on this show
that I didn't care what
others thought of me.
But in reality,
every word,
every slang,
every criticism targeted towards me
seemed to make my soul
sink deeper into a pit of despair.
"Why me," is all I ask.
Why pick me to be the
victim of a bunch of homophobic
idiots who aren't even proud
of themselves?
A bunch of fools who's only goal
in life is to get amusement from the
despair and suffering of others.
It's sad really.
Just to think someone
who knows how it feels,
knows how it is to
be an outcast; how it is
to have people not want
to be around you;
just because you're different,
would treat someone
with such hatred.
Would treat someone so unfairly,
it makes them feel worse about themselves
than they already do.
It saddens me to think
someone would be so heartless.
I am often pressured into changing
what I am-
who I am.
I can not change who I am.
It is not a choice,
it is a part of me.
And I am not going to change
who I am just to please
someone else.
This is who I am.
This is who I will always be.
This Is Me!!!
Written by
Prodige  Ethel, La.
(Ethel, La.)   
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