Success, Money, Fame, Fortune This is everyone's aim
But, what for? why must we reach such goals? “For a happy life” or well that's what i'm told If so, What is success?
Is it the money, The amount of gold, Or how much your worth even when you're old
Is this what an ideal life is meant to be? How blind can they be, to not see this is false For they spend all their time, working for this “life” When they forget to live
Take a walk under the bright night sky Climb a tree, without the fear to fall Live today, as if today was the last Be real and not afraid to speak the truth
Once in a while, Run and chase a rainbow Believe in the tooth fairy And live life creating memorize
For you’ll never know, how long you have So why waste it, trying to create a “perfect” life for the future When you have the chance now So get up, and set free and don't ever forget to live!
Lifes to short to waste time creating it, get up and start living it rather then waiting for tomorrow!