It would be easy to submit to admit that total failure, and the cesspit smells so sweet when you're beat. But if you beat the blues you win,when you lose the frown begin to grin and spin the wheel again.
We're all a little bit roulette spinning round until we get the back to front and back attack and yet we lap it up and when your cup does overflow where do you go? back to roulette ,I bet. The alpha set,the wire net,we're all caught and one day we'll get a double zero, go and catch a super hero, we all need one of them. I am not now nor have I ever been a perfect ten,I am the tarnished score and the music in me wants some more of what it is that I require and I want it now lest I retire and fade into the wallpaper. If life's a caper then I'm the apron that the butcher wore,stained by blood and guts and gore,no wonder then that I should want much more, or is that being greedy?