Somethings false somethings true somethings are too true
the elements looked inside my brain said this man needs some storm rain wind to aid and abet his pernicious melancholic
too true
worries list and complain ain't gonna do, put when a revelation slips out that touches the highest priority pain points writing poetry can't help even and especially if
too true
like to tell you I am happy to be alive but that would be a lie
somewhere behind my forehead is an amorphous ache that only goes quietude but Cain marked never disappears.
you can't take it with you, happiness seems to have a shelf life, a half life, that cuts the time you get to get it in half.
but the amorphous ache you call depression that I call desperation has no life, it just never dies
Rain, flooding and wind advisories come to mix and match the desperation that is pill-proof
they don't laugh at me, cause they know desperation is too true.