I saw him in the fields as a boy And he was smiling Such a tender youth and full of love For every living thing great and small
The sheep were all around him And each he fed out of hand One by one, smiling at his flock With eyes full of love And a heart ever giving
I saw him in the market square And he was smiling The great teacher And all those who follow him
The people did flock to see him And he spoke to them and told stories He taught the masses, young and old I saw the shepherd king When jesus of Nazereth came to market
I saw him in his chains Lead through the town bruised and ****** Lead by roman jailors toward death While all around the crowd was in turmoil
He never cried out, nor begged for life He never moaned, never complained Even when the raised him up, and nailed him to the cross His only words were a dying prayer He was smiling.