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Jan 2014
As we lay in bed
I know we aren’t going to do it tonight
I can feel your hate
You don’t say anything
You don’t lie close to me
You’ve turned the other way
It’s been almost a year
Why are things going at this pace?
Now what?
Is it my job?
Am I not where I should be on your plan?
What is your plan?
I’ve never said no
I’ve let you spend all the money
You constantly plan all our weekends
This *****
What am I doing here?
I can’t sleep
I feel like getting out of bed and watching more T.V.
But I will be exhausted in the morning if I do that.
I could turn on Skinemax
Then ******* and then come back to bed
Why can’t we get it on?
What is wrong now?
Should I buy you some jewelry?
I’ll have to put it on a credit card.
We had *** when I bought you that bracelet
We didn’t have *** when I took you out to dinner
When you’re happy you don’t seem to want to do it.
You don’t ever do it on Fathers Day or my Birthday
Are you gay?
Is it a chore?
You moan like you like it
Is that just an act?
Are you done with *** now?
Why am I here?
What’s in it for me?
You are like a roommate
I had a roommate in college
That was pretty fun
We drank a lot more beer
And BBQ’d a lot more
He didn’t care if I left my shoes in the living room
I didn’t care if there was no dinner
I just ate out.
What’s in it for me?
Why am I here?
Are we now just roommates?
Let me know because now I can date
I won’t be going over to see you mother’s anymore
My weekends will belong to me.
Why do I feel sad?
You don’t seem sad
You’re now sound asleep
I’m going to get out of bed put on the T.V.
And then ******* and go to sleep
Why am I putting up with this?
Why do I have to get my kicks from a movie?
I have a wife
I should have to live this way?
Why am I here?
Am I too lazy to leave?
Am I kidding myself that this can still work?
How much longer can this go on?
If I met someone else would this happen again?
Leaving seems complicated
A bullet to my brain seems easier
Am I brave for staying?
Am I a ***** for not leaving?
Will I get a medal for surviving?
I think I am a *****
Written by
Hoping2bhelpfull  SoCal
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