As the flickering images slowly fade from the screen emotions have been heightened as darkness recedes there sits a witness to the fact and to the screen salty drops of his soul roll slowly down his cheeks
The memories returned as they always do an emotional pain filled journey passing through the gloom from joy filled times to tragedy he'd surely seen them all watching the years go slowly by how long must it go on
How long must one suffer until they feel the need to throw off that cloak set their soul free look upon past folly with an ear to ear grin cheering like a spectator at a title event
A life can be wasted by sitting idly whining and pining lamenting your days Life can be hard and rarely is it fair but the strength of your spirit has got you to here
Here at the crossroads a choice must be made a path must be traveled a toll must be paid but how you accept is all up to you remember this when memories haunt you