She was left to drown in sorrow with the chilled pavement digging into her knees with weeping skies and wailing winds and all the worn down thoughts stored in the darkest crevices of her mind.
Her lovely skin was forever twisted beaten, battered, degraded she was petrified and frozen in time with the taunting children who danced around her pitching stones in her face
She savored the darkness of which always surrounded her the moment the sun once again left her suddenly she stood with her arms above her head and she began to sway, she began to move
Her heart began to beat again as her body began to warm and she decided she would be free with a renewed darkened sense of hope she ran in desperation to her favorite place
Elated, excited, overjoyed that girl was impossibly delighted though she was tremulous and a bit unsure she was done with being depressed, dejected and alone Finally she will be too far away for them to find her