Dolphin Goddess You light our souls With your rich and Luscious gia energy And allow us to Bask in your Goddess form As your soul And energy take Us to newer high As we all climb The mountain of Your love and Connection for Our mother earth And for the rich Feminine and life Giving energies that Are all around us You survey your Kingdom and see That it is good and Beautiful and that All is well in your Paradise as your Dolphin Goddess Dreams take flight In the night we get Closer to your Heart and soul As you open up Yourself fully And completely To anyone who Is willing to bask Upon your light And gain your Ancient wisdom And joy that Sprouts from Your heart and Gets shared with With everyone You meet along Your way in life They see that light And hidden goddess Inside just waiting To be unleased with A warm smile and Embrace of souls As her energy Collides and Embraces with The universe and Everything In between