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Dec 2013
I can no longer pretend; I am blackened by the long journey. Cramped and jagged edges surround my tiny path, as I stagger and grasp trying to keep upright. Falling rocks up ahead make the trail harder to see.
Why did I choose this way? Oh yes I remember now. The other path was definitely an easier trudge, I cannot deny it. I just couldn't fathom the end of it all.
So many chose that path. I was on it once, it was so easy. I remember I could serpentine if I wanted to, I could jump over any obstacles and run right through the trees! Mostly because they were thin and dying. It was broad and spacious! Oh but the end of it all, the end of it all was certain destruction. The bridge was out, there would be nowhere to go and with so many pushing behind them, well I just don't see how anyone would keep their footing.  I've heard the fall is impossible to survive.
So, needless to say, I chose the road less traveled. This road is cramped, It is difficult at best and I've seen very few along the way. I am grateful they are here though; taking this path with me. At times when I've stumbled they offer me a helping hand.....and likewise. I could never have made it this far without them. When we enter in through the narrow gate we will rejoice together!
It is just the uphill climb, the narrow path that is very challenging to follow. Having faith is a must or I am surely going to fall short of finishing. Focus is what I need. I must keep my eyes fixed. There is no going back now, I'm much too far.......I am over half way!
The fog is clearing and I am able to see the end! There is only a short distance, I know I can make it now. Don't slip! I mustn't quit! I will keep moving, keep alert, stay awake. I know it will all be worth it if I stay steady. Don't look back! Just stay straight. Don't stop now.
Matthew 7:14 &15 - "Go in through the narrow gate, because broad is the gate and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, and many are the ones finding it; whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life and few are the ones finding it."
Written by
Renae  F
   Tammy M Darby and ---
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