Merry Christmas, the voice greets me humbug I mutter under breath greed hatred jealousy only things you live with.
Keep to yourself your mirth I sullenly brood such lies are too heavy for this earth done this place no good.
Relations under cloud of doubt each soul bears a grievous injury merriment had long gone out the greet is just empty.
It's a pity you still find it merry with all the injustice inequity man classified quartered children for food bartered.
Merry doesn't the word stink while some choose what to drink fuss about the flavor to savor many reach it by thirsty miles' labor.
Merry can't hide away the glum of human habitats in dingy slums strewn on pavements under open sky breathing refuses left to rot and die.
Still, Merry Christmas to you*, says the voice the time is to give and rejoice the world though is truly what you say You, I, We, have made it that way.