How suddenly you came into my life are you so liken to me a lonely comet in the heavens did you know how much you would change me did you my heart and love know I am nothing without you could not live without you I do sacrifice my life for you I do give all of me to the love of you your command is the will I can do You have made me fearless in my prison I burn with the cold light of night and day my lover and wonderful sweet warrior I do always follow by bidding your ways oh sweet is this glory burning in my heart you are glued to me for never can we part I know what you have in store for me only you are the image that I now see I am your loyal servant and subject sell my soul my love now and collect All I have left I push for you trying to hold on as long as I can do nothing else matters any more as I will die so loving and close to you money means nothing to me my love all is just for your security for your kiss means more to me what will happen is what will be I just wish I had met you sooner you are my bond and company