just love them they are like honey on my lips, poprockz candy to my brain.
they crackle and fizz: igniting, exciting, vibrating, reawakening...
synapses too quiescent; jiggling, wiggling, slapping, trappin, thoughts....
caught snoozin and napping; flip flopping flim flam-ing photograph framing...
opinion only halfway dressed; jitterbuggin, jiving, striving sometimes conniving....
fighting for a voice; half formed, brainstormed, uninformed,
spoken on a baited breathe, giggle, gaggle, gobbledegook...
given egress; hornswoggle, bing bang boggle,
lolloping through.... galumping, triumphing, tree stumping.... both me and yoohoo too!!! zip it, zinger coming on thru. my mind a veritable word zoo where i graze and nibble and nab a theasuarus or 2 .....