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Dec 2013
Never one to ponder, what others thought.
Just only knew, how to be myself.
Unlike the most popular of society.
Who feels the need to be held to a higher degree?
Probably under this impression that they are better than you and me.

Once they realize that they have fallen a few steps.
Then they are wondering, why that be?
They the most popular.
Who lives by being loved?
Who can't comprehend you can't be adored by everyone?

Similar to the cheerleader or star quarterback.
Maybe even the model or actor or actress.

Being most popular comes and goes.
Its part of the territory many of us know,
In favor one month and out of favor the next.
That's why we all must learn to just be ourselves.

Cause in the very end.
We must only love ourselves.
jeffrey conyers
Written by
jeffrey conyers  united states
(united states)   
   Ann M Johnson and Caroline
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