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Dec 2013
Certain, things will forever be apart of our history book.
Be them presidential decision.
Be it vital styles of protest.

December 7 will forever be upon our testimonial of truth.
That without just cause, we was attacked upon.
Within a instant moment events change our world.

Took young youth and made them man.
Who too it upon themselves to represent?
Who took up the cause of being some of America's best?

For everyone that serve and continue to do so.
We American citizens salute you all.

Peace only comes to any war for awhile.
Then a new leader comes along and start a war again.
But the test of your will is in doing your part.

And December 7 stands out like 911 forever in our hearts.
jeffrey conyers
Written by
jeffrey conyers  united states
(united states)   
   Caroline and GaryFairy
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