Anxiety is not Only sweaty palms and racing thoughts
It's thoughts and thoughts and thoughts and thoughts and thoughts and oh my god I need to stop but I can't because if I do what if my world stops too?
Anxiety is not Finishing things Because there are things and things and things and things and That need to be done and you can't just stop at one.
Anxiety is depression's friend The friend that springs you out of bed fifteen minutes before your alarm, wrenching you from depression's arms and shattering your sadness. But upon impact with the floor, Your feet are cemented down and your goals are just out of reach because god you have the will power and you swear you're trying but why can't you be perfect and perfect and perfect and perfect.
Anxiety is the feeling That pushes and pushes and pushes and pushes and pushes Until it pushes you over the cliff And you land amongst the lives anxiety has claimed that litter the bottom of the canyon that surrounds you and stops you from achieving what you wanted because god forbid you're actually trying.
Published in ASGARD Literary Magazine, 2014. Received a scholastic Silver Key in Poetry, 2014.