Lovers,of God's world, I say to you. Love kindly. For hurt doesn't come to you blindly to be hurt.
Love your enemies, do good by loving them. Love those that blast you for security. When there's really no need. Because of being hurt by insecurity.
Hunger for wisdom to stand strong. When you're the only one right. And hosts of others are completely wrong.
Love attitudes, comes from knowledge. And who know you better? Then you.
Laugh at your pain, instead of cry. When you do you realize later you're wearing a smile. Rejoice in joy, your life will shines more when it does come.
Happy is anyone that has someone. Not that being lonely doesn't make you that way. Remember and admit that love is a dangerous weapon Against those that drive themselves to be evil.
Humble yourself in God's teaching. His words that's written has a powerful meaning. Find nothing that He hadn't predicted to be false. Cause in reality they have appeared. God gives it.
Do good and your reward shall be great? Even among the unthankful. Condemn not. Judge not. Forgive quick. Remember God does this.
The measure of your graciousness will determine your heart. When we must answer to the Lord.