Notice, yes notice. How we get upset and angered with people speaks for us? But many speaks for Jesus about his words. Some misinterpret them to suit them.
Even concerning same *** marriages. Especially about God's creation of Adam and Eve. That he never meant it to be Adam and Steve.
Notice, truly notice. That many doesn't follow God's laws. And many are those called ministers.
If God is love, which the scriptures states. Then that one word requires us to have it within us.
But pressure. Yes,pressure makes many just follow the rules. Afraid of what the church thinkers will come to think of you.
We tolerate adultery like its just a game. While treating same *** couples like they lost their brains. Strange when we young the things we let dictate to us.. But sooner as we get past that old age sector. We get very opinionated to leave people alone.
The house of God that's suppose to guide. Sometimes makes you wonder, if they know about love and kindness. Many intimidate those within their church. To many churches are worse than many dictators.
Notice, yes notice. When same *** couples asked to be left alone. Many of us give them reasons to think God's word is lost on us.
Whether you like it. Or rather you don't. You live your life. As they live their own.
Notice, yes notice. Our parents live according to their rules. And in their home, we aware they make the rules.
Love has no requirement , except to care. Notice, just notice this. And you'll be lead by truth. That when we judge another. Others are judging you.