it is cold my ******* are hard I'm not fond enough of you to care whether you think of me as appropriate or otherwise I drink because I like it when my vision matches the blur of my mind a boy I don't know came up to me at the gay bar he caressed my face and walked away and then walked back to apologize for not being able to contain himself his friend also apologized on his behalf and assured me that it is not his friends fault that I am so charming naturally I smiled in comprehensive shyness it has been a while since a touch has felt like home it has been a while since home has felt like home you will fall in love with all the wrong girls you will ******* your way out of the responsibilities of growing up you will catch the attention of strangers and you will mean so much to them so many things so many thoughts so many names left unknown sit out with me in stormy weather we're both naive, broken, and delirious with not much else to do, do it with me roaming poet of the night, give me your words *oh, pour me another drink and punch me in the face you can call me Nancy