I work up to 60/70 hours per week and ***** around on F.B & Craigslist. We had weeks of debating the poor and how some leech off the state. Had people hollering leech to all poor people even the ones in cities like Detroit where they said blacks love living on welfare and they uneducated and they come from the planet ghetto *******. Not my words but they exist in my city with population 15 thousand. Poster on Craigslist challenged community to playact we were broke, contact dhs and get info on how much a poor person with number of your own household gets per month along with food stamps.
To make it seem real, I took out the exact amount I would get if I was a poor person. Gave possession of check books and cash and my own house key to my dad and told him what i was doing. He said good luck son you wont make it on state aid. It was cheating but I did keep my car cause no way in hell am I waiting hours for a bus and walking on busy S. Airport and streets such as Garfield is dangerous. I rode that bus when my car was getting new tires and a tune up and it smelled bad like sweat funk.
Funds are put on a bridge card, that's cash aid and food stamps here in Michigan. I thought with this small amount of cash how in the hell will i survive?
I discovered pretty ****** fast I could not afford rent and best I could afford was a nasty room in a place in downtown are where poor people rent rooms and no one should be living in. I wouldn't let my dog stay there and I felt like I should be packing a gun for protection. No minorities but whites who are down on their luck. Could not afford the small deposit even for that nasty dump. I cheated and bunked with a friend. That place is what you wont see come film festival or cherry festival time.
Forget having enough to buy healthy foods. I could afford bread and high carb fattening **** that nobody should have to live off. If I was poor I could not afford fresh produce I'd be eating cheap **** I could afford and if I had kids it would be far worse off.
I quit after a few days and would be hating life if I was poor.
Northern Michigan craigslist posters are notorious for flagging truth. They flag and remove what they don't want to see on forum when it don't agree with *** backward views of our good citizens. They run people off with ignorance and now some like me have come here and now see some of the ignorant have followed and joined this site posing as poets.
Found this when I went to site from a person claiming to be on vacation in Florida but keeps posting and posting on our Forum. Poster now claims he is in ******* that "drooling halfwit" always gives this one who changes locations away.
" red cross (*******)
Let me get this straight,you can afford the internet and a car but too poor to buy gas??Bet you wish that fake boycott worked stupid.You drive around looking for free handouts so you can drive around.This story is such *******,just like you.Get a job lazy drooling halfwit. Location: *******"
Posters originally posted months ago but keeps renewing same post. This posted after someone was refused gas by the red cross while red cross volunteers sat there eating their lunch. Person was driving around on fumes. You try telling this idiot people down don't stay broke forever and you get posts like this one from idiots.
I did not rely on hear say, I made calls to red cross. Red cross does not provide gas money to walk ins and they provide help in unexpected disasters BUT not to poor people already homeless. They did build a luxury hotel on property bought using donations but I can't tell you why they built it.