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Nov 2013
Acidic music flowing through us,
From the stage and down into the floor
Vibrations' thin tendrils
Swarming up through thick soled shoes
And into our spines,
Forcing heads to nod
And bodies to sway.
Eyes close in the ecstasy of forgetting
For in that moment
Nothing else can take your mind.
There is sound;
And sound alone.

And you forget that you are all alone
And you forget that you felt anxious
You forget people might be watching
You forget how many drinks you had.

Staged puppet masters,
Make a crowd of grown-up kids
Sway before them.
Children with ******* and beards.
Youths in go-nowhere jobs,
Sleeping on mattresses on the ground
Reading poetry aloud at night
Planning travels in their minds.

***** the young professionals.
We are the left overs of a power hungry generation;
We are just here to hear
And feel
And move.
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