Yes, we could. Yes, we should. We should dive into knowing him more than many of us do. We should be his biggest fan upon this earth. Yes, I admit this. Yes, I admit it.
Many of us get distracted by phones, computers and even love. I admit it. Yes, I admit this.
Many us only pick up the Holy Bible for show. Even in church many don't visit the scriptures. Barely want to mention the name Jesus. I admit it. I've even seen it.
But let something bad happen. Then we shower him with all style of attention. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. If it hadn't been for your saving grace. Where would I be?
Yes, I admit this. I even heard this. A man, who was given to us by God? Isn't the center of attention of many people hearts. A man that carried out the purpose of God.
A man that didn't accept much. But who life to this day has a serious purpose? I admit it. I admit, I'm a worshiper of Christ. Yes, I admit it. And never will deny it.