I’m not sure But I feel like bridging the gap between you just to stand on the edge of it and jump off But jumping off of it is something I want and don’t want to do But you’re so different and I’m so tired And we’re both bored kids during lonely winter nights They call it ‘summer love’ But except for summer holidays and warm weather, there’s not much I enjoy about it It’s odd, but I've never been drawn to the cold weather until this year Even though the sweetest things have happened when snowflakes quietly blanket everything Hushing the world to stop and rest Weighing down the boughs of evergreens ever so slightly When houses smell of gingerbread and vanilla and the shadows of candlelight flickers on the wall It’s always been a romantic season, even if the weather outside is frightful But it reminds me of the boy with the camera in his hands, taking pictures of everything so it wouldn't feel like we were miles away And that boy with the camera is still just miles away And the photographs are just photographs, and those have stopped for about a year or more I’m trying to be patient, trying to calm this heart of mine Because it’s fickle, and although it enjoys the glitter of the Christmas season It shivers in the winter and will snuggle up to anyone except to me