all of America’s gubmint hatin yahoos, pining to get their country back, should grab yer rifles, stock up on ammo and giddy up down to Texas to join the secessionists headin out of the Union
Rick Perry promises to keep his promise to close all the gubmint departments he can't remember the names of
Ron Paul will finally be liberated from the tyranny of his federal paycheck and can return to his district to practice medicine unencumbered by the acceptance of medicare payments
Ted Cruz will move to coronate his Cuban born daddy as Viceroy for life of the western hemispheres newest banana republic
the last act of of the Compartment of Education will be to turn every public school into a Holy Ghostin Jehovah meetin house
Judicial magistrates will criminalize poor people or just make them slaves and all prisons will be turned into profit driven plantations, overseen by the local Sheriffs who will be paid time and a half and 15% of all profits
unfortunately the Cowboy’s will lose it’s moniker as America’s Team if rattlesnake booted Jerry Jones can’t make a deal to turn his stadium into a sovereign independent territory as a protectorate of the USA
To assure national purity Texans will build a Jericho style wall to define the boundaries of their heavenly kingdom and outlaw all trumpet playing within earshot of their perturbed borders
The Eyes of Texas as the state anthem will need to be reworded The final stanza will be changed to "Until Gabriel blows his nose"
keepin the ungodly out and the chosen people safely insulated within the shining Lone Star State will rise again as a solitary confederacy of dunces
Music Selection: The Eyes of Texas
Oakland 11/18/13 jbm
11/19/13 marks the 150th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address... to hold the article of freedom in such disdain sickens me...