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Nov 2013
coke, cigarettes
and salad
that is all
in my diet

the pressure
on myself
to be thin
is high
the radar

ain't got platinum hair
or stilettos up to here
all I have is an average body
I am no skinny mini

I feel the pressure of
our society
it wants us
to be perfect
and stick thin
but I am none
of those things

glamour seems to be
self destruction
and eating disorders
manic depression
and starvation
none of those
are healthy
but our society
they glamorize
our deadly
and our

I miss the days
when Marilyn Monroe
was seen as a *** symbol
not for a thin appearance
but for her beauty
and captivating curves

your body shape
is something
you shouldn't be ashamed of
you are beautiful
no matter what
it's our society
which really *****
© Natali Veronica 2013.

if you're insecure, you'll understand this poem.
this poem is about how society tells us what to look like,
or what you should be, how you should be etc.
Written by
   -, Pendragon, The Noose, ---, --- and 13 others
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