Of no time and place... save for due Truest North of no time and place...a kindled air as such...never a Draconian night layeth upon...O Hyperborea. Muse of Muse...whose tacit glory begot lip and lyre...illumined wholes that sayeth verily unto illumined wholes. Unbroken gaiety...where the only obscuration's the recesses of witnesses in full bearing...Beauty's Knowing...Knowable Beauty. O Hyperborea...as light, lighteth... yet lit be not--high heaped upon high, celebrants of whir and fire... fire and whir...whir and fire! Thou danceth a sun's one-upmanship, to emblazon the dreams of Thracian peoples. That the world may know, and know well...the north wind...of no time and place--due Truest North of no time and place...be kindled by Apollonian graces. As an urn contains what's trialed by fire, as fire...Beauty unbridled...poureth forth under the Hyperborean sun... never to casteth a shadow.