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Nov 2013
came from hell  
though it was not from
the BIG guy himself, my case
was delegated to some lesser imp    
all along, hell, I thought
I had committed enough scorching
sins to warrant an audience
with the king of fire  
when the phone rang  
I did not pick up,       
I knew who was calling  
I had no hunger, people came
and went, mouths moving
but making no sound  
my breathing slowed until
the air became glue, oozing in quietly  
the lady in white came, touching me
moving as slowly as the moon’s
cold arc across the sky    
she had no face
I knew the phone would ring anon  
I knew there would be questions
whose answers they already knew    
when you were five,
did you crush the robin eggs
on a beautiful blue afternoon  
that would have been perfect for all mankind
had it not been for your ******  
did you taste the sweet nectar of nakedness  
of those you did not love  
did you shove the bayonet in
though you saw his imploring eyes
leave the world
questions do have answers
but answers have nothing  
I will not answer yet  
though I know the phone will ring anon  
waking me from this dreary dream  
and closing my eyes before
they return to the fire
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