its all a lie. let me tell you that. i dont love him like that. i love him as a friend. just remember.
and i never thought he would love me or anyone but as he leaned in to kiss my lips i felt the slightest tingle he held my hands and the words 'i love you so much' fell from his lips we kiss again and he holds me before we bid each other goodbye as i wait for the next day to come i am shattered by the loneliness that has over come me 'i need his touch' i whisper to myself as the days go on i see him as much as i can we fall more in love each day closer and closer and being loved like this felt amazing but have being hurt before i fear it as well his perfection over took that fear as he told me the same he loved me and didn't seek for my flaws and my heart beat purely for him he made me feel on top of the world and although he could not cure the depression that tore me apart he did not add to the pain and as we move on in life he would hold my hands and help me push my way he stays by my side as i never leave him 'forever' he says and i answer with a confused look 'that's how long i want to be with you' and as our love grows into more then just kisses and words is stays pure forever