The heart, such a delicate part of the human anatomy because it can be so easily bruised, so easily hurt, and easily broken but sometimes when it needs to be, it can be one of the strongest parts of our body and it will carry you through when all else has failed.
Everyone plays a part while trying to protect their tender heart but it breaks so easily and sometimes it is so very difficult to repair and make a new start.
So sometimes you have to try to not think with your heart but you will find that this is where the love that you feel will always start and that is in the heart.
Take the time to think about what you are doing before you involve your heart if you can but remember the heart is always hungry for love and that it has to be fed or you will just feel dead.
Give love to others and you will receive all of the love that you need but learn to protect your heart from the very start. Jon York 2013