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Nov 2013
Dark, cold, and still lit up; The night awakens as the sun goes down,
Walking on the sidewalk, looking at the stars,
A wish I have deep inside, while watching the rush of city cars,
The world itself makes my problems seems so insignificant,
The calm quietness takes over my body,
I'm still and silent, closing my eyes and hearing the sounds,
The breeze, drifting by as the water by the lake peers in close,
The constant rush of water, upon a roaring rock,
The fog-horn is clear, the sirens are near,
The people yelling, the screaming, the anger built in,
The honking, the fights, the gun-shots at night,
The murders, the horror, and the unsafety outside,
Once we take a walk at night, we fear death come by,
The inability to calmly live life,
How calm it once was, in split seconds died out?
Being able to live a peaceful life without the fear of dying,
Without gossiping; without deception and lying,
Oh what a wonderful world that would be.
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